Friday, May 08, 2009

Writing Project Update

Words this week: 1200 or so, as I spent a lot of time training and getting over illness. I had some good ideas while I was riding today, so that can usually turn into something.

Responses to last week's topic: 1.

This week's entries: 2 (Ken, Ken). But I also had some people suggest that I go back to some of the entries that didn't make it. In the 19 weeks I've done Slaughterhouse, there have been about 70 submissions. There was also an "almost" by Nancy, who didn't remember the topic she wanted, but she's reading. That's the important part.

This week's question: "Write a piece of fiction that starts with 'There was a knock at the door.'"

And I've got an idea. Catch you in an hour and change, I think...

500 WORDS ON THIS TOPIC DUE BY: 5/9 midnight Friday/Saturday

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