Monday, July 19, 2004


I didn't make it into work today, and am fully aware of the irony that I'm spending my time at HOME sitting in front of a computer. (You check E-mail, then think of writing something, then wind up over here.)  See, I got up, took a shower, and felt like I was going to pass out. So I made a few calls, and next thing you know, I'm asleep. Until 11 AM. Yipes.
My cell phone has been sitting in the truck's center console all weekend, and I'm not going to look at it. Under any circumstances. In fact, the battery's probably dead. But I don't care. Anyone who needs to get a hold of me knows my home number, and they'll call here.
Inaccessibility is the ultimate power.
When Michael J. Fox took his honeymoon, he was in Bali on the other side of the world. I took mine in a resort where most of the guests spoke only French and the women all sunbathed topless. There wasn't a soul who could get a hold of me. Even if the Presidnet wants to blow up the whole world, there's another guy with a briefcase that's got the codes.

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