Friday, July 10, 2009

Writing Project Update

Words this week: 4500. Significant progress on the fitness book, which I'm tentatively titling "You've Got Right Now: Losing Weight and Getting Fit in the Real World."

Responses to last week's topic: 5.

This week's entries: 5 (Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam) asking questions about various aspects of US History. You'll want to go the to 6:19 mark of this video to see what my response is to that.

This week's question: There's only one question this week, but this time YOU'RE going to answer it.

I'm posting an excerpt from an early chapter of You've Got Right Now. If you're a Slaughterhouse reader, you may or may not know that over the past four years, I've lost 114 pounds. No drugs, no surgery, just a process that changed how I think about the relationship between food, and exercise, and life. I alluded to this philosophy in the Silverman movie, but I'm pretty certain that I can turn this into a book.

It will be well-researched and comprehensive. It will take a good bit of time to write, but as opposed to thinking about three projects at once, this will be the one project I stay with, and I will hammer at it until it's a manuscript. I think with what I've accomplished I've earned the right to write about how I did it, because I think I can help people. I'm shooting for Thanksgiving to have a first draft of it finished.

Here's the deal: if you read this, tell me what you think at either or I know some of you see this on Facebook; you're under no obligation to comment there unless you want to. Even if you send me an email that says "Not interested; not my thing," I'll understand. If you have any suggestions or ways that I can look at this a little bit differently, from drastic oversights to a better title, I understand that too and would appreciate your feedback. While the book is not a democracy, I'm interested in helping people and hearing what you have to say.

Thank you for your consideration.

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