Friday, July 24, 2009

Writing Project Update

Words this week: 1500. I was working on sleep, working on training, working on other stuff. I wrote a lot but it isn't anything I can count, or could publish.

Responses to last week's topic: 1.

This week's entries: 16 (Beth, Beth, Beth, Beth, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Beth, Ken, and Ken)

It's getting impressive out there. And I'll issue anybody the same challenge I also issued Sam: get me 30 Google followers and I'll write a one-off on a Wednesday night just for you.

This week's question: From Beth Badrov:

"Is it possible to live the life of both an athlete and a connoisseur well? What compromises might one be required to make that invalidate being considered one or the other?

This presumes that you are not being held to the level of a Michael Phelps as an athlete or have an income that requires your toilet paper be made by Prada."

RESPONSE DUE BY 7/24-25 midnight

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